
Darboğaz is a belde in Niğde Province, Turkey.


Darboğaz is a part of Ulukışla district of Niğde Province. It is a mountain town with an average altitude of. The coordinates are. The highway distance to Ulukışla is and to Niğde is. The population is 1894 as of 2011


There are no written sources of the deep history of the town. But probably the vicinity was inhabited during Byzantine Empire era. The earliest settlers of the town were the members of a Turkmen tribe in the 17th century. According to legend, the tribe leader was playing tar, a musical instrument and the earliest name of the settlement was tarbaz or tar player. That name may be the source of the modern name which also means narrow pass. Darboğaz was declared township in 1968.


The main economic activity is agriculture, especially cherry horticulture. The annual cherry production exceeds. Beekeeping and carpet weaving are other economic activities. Being a mountain town the potential for winter tourism is also promising.


Darboğaz has plenty of activities for every age group. The younger generations can play football, as well as visit multiple cafés. The older generations can visit the aforementioned cafés and can always take a stroll in the beautiful and scenic nature of Darboğaz.