Dark Universe (film)
Dark Universe is a 1993 horror/science-fiction film starring Blake Pickett, Cherie Scott, Bently Title, John Maynard, Paul Austin Saunders, Patrick Moran, Tom Ferguson, Steve Barkett, and Joe Estevez as Rod Kendrick. The soundtrack was composed by Jeffrey Walton. The film was written by Moran, executive-produced by Fred Olen Ray, Grant Austin Waldman, and Jim Wynorski, and directed by Steve Latshaw.Production
According to Stephen Latshaw the film was shot in ten days for $40,000 and was "a huge hit for Curb Entertainment... it took in over $400,000 in world wide sales.""From the darkest corner of the universe comes an alien terror with a cold-blooded mission...conquer the Earth and harvest its inhabitants as a food source. Can our world survive this nightmare from deep space?"