Darkness into Light

Darkness into Light is an annual walking event and fundraiser held, primarily, across the island of Ireland. Participants meet before dawn on a particular Saturday in May and walk or run for 5km to meet the sunrise. Founded in 2009 by psychologist Joan Freeman as a fundraiser in the Phoenix Park for Pieta House suicide prevention and counselling, 400 attended the first event while the 2017 event was attended by an estimated 150,000 participants at more than 150 locations. Similar events occur in Australia and New Zealand, Asia and North America.. The fundraising event has risen from 400 participants, an its inauguration in Dublin 2009, to over 200,000 throughout global 150 locations in 2018.


The entrance fee and donations are donated to various charities across the world usually related to suicide prevention and awareness, primarily to Pieta House.

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