Darla (dog)

Darla was a Bichon Frise and animal actress most known for her role as Precious in the 1991 thriller, The Silence of the Lambs.

Career and popularity

Darla began her career in 1985 in the film, Pee-wee's Big Adventure as the role of Pink Poodle; going on to star alongside Tom Hanks in 1989's The ‘Burbs before acting in her first starring role as Precious in 1991's The Silence of the Lambs. Darla has since become a cult icon due to the film's success with many wondering what exact breed she was, and someone going as far as to create a Facebook fan page for her entitled, Precious, the white toy poodle of Buffalo Bill in The Silence of the Lambs. Her final role before retiring was in the 1992 film Batman Returns as Ratty Poodle.


According to trainer, Cristie Miele, Darla's "big thing" was stealing socks.

Retirement and death

Darla retired from acting in 1992; retiring to Thousand Oaks, California. She died later that same year at the age of 17.
