Dasa sil mata

A dasa sil mata is an Eight- or Ten Precepts-holding anagārikā in Buddhism in Sri Lanka, where the newly reestablished bhikkhuni lineage is not officially recognized yet.
The status of dasa sil matas is in between an ordinary upāsikā and a fully ordained bhikkhuni. They are usually expected to work in viharas, essentially as maids to ordained bhikkhus, rather than receiving training and the opportunity to practice. However, some dasa sil matas have struggled and managed to establish monasteries of their own, where women have the opportunity devote themselves to spiritual training and practice.
In Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, they have established monasteries for anagārikās. Similar orders exist in Thailand, Cambodia and in Myanmar.
In Thailand, where it is illegal for a woman to take a bhikkhuni ordination, they are called maechi. In Cambodia, they are called donchees. In Burma, an eight precept nun is addressed as thilashin or sayalay, whereas a fully ordained woman is called a rahan-ma. Sri Lanka's dasa sil matas are recognized by their shaven heads and yellow robes.