Breese was born in Chicago to David and Ruth Breese. He was the youngest of four children, having three older sisters including, Betty, and twin sisters, Mary and Margaret. He also had a foster brother, Bob Gaudio, whom Breese's parents took in as a child. Breese attended Lane Technical High School, an all-boys school with 8,000 students. As a youth, he had been fascinated by airplanes and flying. During World War II, Breese entered Pre-Flight Training at Lane Tech, in the hope of serving his country. When he was in high school, all of Breese's sisters were involved in a, "Hi-C Club," a Christianyouth organization. One week, when Breese was 16 years old, the Hi-C meeting was held at his house. Though Breese had no interest in religious pursuits, he heard a woman clearly present a Gospel message while teaching on the Holy Bible's, Book of Romans. A couple weeks later, he decided to believe the message and was converted to belief in Jesus Christ.
In addition to pulpit preaching, Breese also recorded many messages for broadcast. His family tells stories of him sitting up late at night, making radio programs on a simple recorder with a blanket over his head, because of the outside noises. At that time, he didn’t have a recording studio. In addition to his prolific writing, Breese was also a poet. His sister, Betty, has told of how in his early years his mother would have a young Dave Breese recite poetry. This contributed to his abilities as a public speaker and writer.
Family life
Breese married Carol Flaming, whom he met at a meeting in Winona Lake, Indiana. They had two daughters, Lynn and Noelle. Just as his parents had a foster son named Bob, Breese and his wife provided a home for a young Laotian boy, Lomae, who is considered part of the extended Breese family today.
Breese was:
A formative force in the early years of Youth For Christ, serving 13 years.
Founder of the "Christian Destiny" ministry, in 1963.
President and Bible teacher on, "The King Is Coming" telecast
Radio Broadcaster on, "Dave Breese Reports," and, "Dave Breese Reporting."
Consultant and friend to presidents, statesmen and religious leaders.
Author of many books and booklets.
By the 1980s, Breese had gained national prominence via his radio broadcasts "Dave Breese Reports" and "Dave Breese Reporting!" His network of over a hundred stations covered much of the United States. In the mid-'80s, Breese accepted the call to become speaker on "The King is Coming" telecast and later assumed the presidency of the telecast’s parent organization, "World Prophetic Ministry." His outreach via television spanned the globe, reaching across all of America and into 57 nations of the world.
John Maynard Keynes, who advocated the policies for reducing unemployment and expanding the economy that today find their expression in deficit spending and governmental activism.
Søren Kierkegaard, who stressed the obligation each person has to make conscious, responsible choices among alternatives, a major tenet of existentialism.
Final days
Just after the year 2000 rang in, Breese suffered a stroke. He had rarely turned down an invitation to preach. In an average year, he would travel over 100,000 miles to speak at churches, Bible conferences, colleges, universities, evangelistic meetings and debates. The busy schedule had taken its toll. After his stroke, he continued to write. Breese died May 3, 2002.