David Füleki

David Füleki is a German comic artist. His comics were and are published by the publishing houses Carlsen Verlag, Tokyopop, New Ground Publishings, Delfinium Prints, the manga anthology Shounen Go! Go! and many others. Besides his occupation as a comic author Füleki studies media communication at Chemnitz University of Technology. He also invented the popular character Entoman.


One Shots

78 Tage auf der Straße des Hasses

Part of an comic anthology about the cast of That Guy with the Glasses featuring Doug Walker as the Nostalgia Critic.
Discontinued Series for publisher Droemer Knaur featuring Entoman. The works have been transferred to Tokyopop and Delfinium Prints respectively.
A super sentai like action series about a group of former villains who are forced to fight on missions to save the earth.
A manga style adaption of Struwwelpeter.