David Morgan (psychoanalyst)

David Howell Morgan is a psychoanalyst and consultant psychotherapist who worked at the Portman Clinic London for over 25 years.


Morgan's writing, as with his political and social contributions, tends to focus on the intersection between psychoanalysis and the political, social. He has also written on Pat Barker, Jorge Luis Borges, and repeatedly on the works of Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein and Donald Winnicott. His co-edited volume Lectures on Violence, Perversion and Delinquency. The Portman Papers Series deals extensively with people who use sexuality and/or violence seen at the Portman Clinic.
and The Unconscious in Social and Political Life and The Political Mind. A Deeper Cut.Edited papers..
Morgan has contributed to public debate and hosts discussions with leading academics in the political, social, and psychoanalytic fields, on his radio show "Frontier Psychoanalyst". Along with this radio show, Morgan has made many television appearances and frequently appears as a discussant on BBC Radio. Morgan also appeared in a documentary called "Married to the Eiffel Tower" investigating the psychological condition objectum sexuality. The documentary investigates the famous case of Erika Eiffel.
Morgan has hosted, spoken at, and arranged many conferences, seminars and lectures, both nationally and internationally. In January 2017 Morgan delivered the prestigious Bob Gosling memorial lecture in Bristol.