David Nevue

David Nevue is an American solo piano composer and a pianist and the founder of online radio station "Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio".

Online radio work

Nevue established the "Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio" internet radio station in August 2003 as a vehicle for promoting his own particular brand of piano music. Believing that the days of the traditional music industry were numbered, he decided to bypass the process of sending demos to record labels, and to use the web to promote his music on his own. Nevue began promoting his music online in 1995, and by 2001, he was able to make music his full-time career.
Whisperings started out as part of the Live365.com family of independent online radio stations, but eventually grew beyond just Live365.com. Most listeners now tune in via the Whisperings web site, iTunes radio or Windows Media Tuner. Whisperings radio is supported by paid subscriptions from listeners who prefer commercial-free broadcasts. 273 artists are featured on the broadcast, including Joe Yamada, David Lanz, David Nevue, Peter Kater, Michael Dulin, Wayne Gratz, Isadar, Louis Landon, Robin Spielberg and Suzanne Ciani.
Nevue also founded The Music Biz Academy, an educational website for independent musicians, and is the author of the book, How to Promote Your Music Successfully on the Internet.
