Professor David Ronald Brown is an Australian-born research scientist notable for his work on prion diseases, which include bovine spongiform encephalopathy and vCJD. His most notable research relates to the metal binding of the protein central to these diseases, the prion protein, and its possible cellular role as an antioxidant. Brown served as a member of , the British governmentadvisory board on BSE and related diseases. Since then he has pursued research related to other neurodegnerative diseases.
Brown advanced research related to the role of metals in the cause of prion diseases such as vCJD. Media attention focused on this work when it became associated with that of the farmer Mark Purdey, who argued that human cases of vCJD might be caused by exposure to manganese rather than eating beef from BSE-infected cattle. Both Purdey and Brown agreed that exposure to elevated levels of manganese in the environment could increase the incidence of BSE. Brown's research showed that manganese causes the protein to change conformation, similar to that seen in prion diseases such as BSE. Additionally, his research also showed that animals with BSE and humans with vCJD had elevated levels of manganese in their brains, and that prion protein extracted from their brains retained some of this manganese. Brown agreed with Purdey only in as far as the potential for manganese to be a risk factor, increasing the likelihood that BSE or another prion disease would occur. Brown supported Purdey in his quest to investigate the potential role of manganese in prion disease and this led to the filming of a program for the BBC in which both Brown and Purdey appeared. While Purdey pursued the notion that environmental manganese was a cause of BSE, Brown suggested that a chelation therapy to remove the excess manganese from patients with vCJD could be of benefit. While Brown's more conventional research was very well funded, such chelation therapy for prion disease was never funded despite support for the idea from a number of sources including Charles, Prince of Wales.
Select bibliography
Brown, D. R. Prion Diseases and Copper Metabolism. Horwood Press, Chichester, UK..
Brown D. R. Neurodegeneration and Prion Disease. Springer, USA..
Kozlowski, H, Brown, D. R. and Valensin G. Metallochemistry of Neurodegeneration. Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing, UK..
Brown, D. R. Brain Diseases and Metalloproteins, Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore,.