David Trottier

David Trottier is an American screenwriter, consultant, author and educator. He's best known for his screenwriting guide, The Screenwriter's Bible.


Trottier graduated with an M.A. from Goddard College, as well as the Hollywood Scriptwriting Institute and the Hollywood Film Institute.
After doing some minor rewrites on Zorro the Gay Blade, Trottier sold his first spec, The Secret of Question Mark Cave to Disney. Trottier would sell projects to Jim Henson Pictures, York Entertainment, On the Bus Productions, ABC and New Century Pictures. These include Igor's Revenge, The Muppet's Hockey Movie—The Comeback Kids, Ratman From Saturn, Kumquat, The New Musketeers, and A Window in Time. He also co-wrote and co-produced Hercules Recycled.
He has authored several books on the writing process and filmmaking in addition to Bible, including Dr. Format Tells All, Double Your Creativity, and Two Screenplays.