DeLuxe Color

DeLuxe Color or Deluxe color is a brand of color process for motion pictures. DeLuxe Color is Eastmancolor-based, with certain adaptations for improved compositing for printing and for mass-production of prints. Eastmancolor, first introduced in 1950, was one of the first widely-successful "single strip color" processes, and eventually displaced three-strip Technicolor.
DeLuxe also offers "Showprints". "Showprint" is DeLuxe's proprietary name for an "EK", the generic name for a release print made directly from the original camera negative instead of from an internegative.
Among the movies that used the DeLuxe Color process are:
All of WB's Picturehouse, Morgan Creek Productions and New Line films were Deluxe, too as were Friends and a handful of WB and Disney 990s TV shows,
Also all of the Felix the Cat shows had prints by Deluxe
As Technicolor is now an all-Eastmancolor shop, there is virtually no difference between DeLuxe Color and Technicolor.