Dead week

Dead week, or hell week, is US slang for the week before college and university final examinations. The week is often characterized by heightened test anxiety, students working to overcome procrastinating their test preparation or writing term papers. This can lead to sleep deprivation, irritability, and vomiting. There are often all-night studying sessions, and greater use of stimulants like coffee, caffeine tablets, energy drinks, adderall, or other prescription amphetamines.
Many campus dormitories or residence halls require near silence for most of the day during the week before finals. There may also be a moratorium on paper assignments, exams, and student organizational activities during dead week. Libraries may also be open for extended hours, or might stay available all night.
Similar events are revision week in the UK, and swotvac in Australia. Hell week is used in many similar educational contexts, such as police or military training.

Yelling tradition

Many schools have a tradition, known by various names, where students open their doors and windows and scream as loudly as they can on one or all nights of this week.
