DebWrt is a discontinued, niche Linux distribution mainly installed on embedded systems. It was built on top of an OpenWrt base which was used to load a fully functional version of Debian from the RootFS stored on the attached USB storage device. For easy installation and deinstallation of packages it relied on the dpkg Package management system. DebWrt used the command-line interface of Bash. There was no web-based GUI interface.


DebWrt offered all of the features provided in the stock firmware for residential gateways, such as DHCP services and wireless encryption via WEP, Wi-Fi Protected Access and WPA2. In addition it offered all of the features offered by Debian that are typically not included in a standard firmware.
Features included:
DebWrt had a fully writable file system, which allowed for package management via the dpkg package system, allowing users to install new software to meet their individual needs. This contrasted with Linux-based firmware built using a read-only SquashFS filesystem that offered efficient compression but no way to modify the installed software without rebuilding and flashing a complete firmware image.
