Deduce, You Say! is a 1956Warner Bros. Looney Tunes cartoon, directed by Chuck Jones and written by Michael Maltese. The short was released on September 29, 1956, and stars Daffy Duck and Porky Pig. The title is a play on the exclamation, "The deuce you say!" The cartoon features Daffy Duck as the dim-witted detective Dorlock Homes and Porky Pig as his sidekick Watkins, as they attempt to locate and apprehend the dangerous "Shropshire Slasher".
Dr. Watkins narrates throughout the cartoon. Dorlock Homes lives on Beeker Street in London. Inside of their apartment, Homes is busily engaged in "deduction" — tax deduction, that is, hoping to write off such costs as "magnifying glasses and gumshoes" and "cab fares, to and from murders". Following a knock on the door, a mailman falls into their flat. While Homes attributes it to curare, a type of poison, the mailman chides him for not fixing the step. Homes, angry, quickly snatches the letter from and sternly informs him in no uncertain terms "Just for that, you receive no gratuity." The letter says that there is a criminal on the loose named the Shropshire Slasher. Homes and Watkins go to a pub where the Slasher is known to hang out. Homes' attempts to gather clues land darts in his bill. When the Shropshire Slasher is finally revealed, Homes repeatedly attempts to arrest him, but the Slasher proves much stronger and effortlessly defeats Homes. Watkins, on the other hand, speaks much more politely and reasonably to the suspect and he not only willingly divulges his identity, but is peacefully persuaded to turn himself back over to the police. Just then, a kind, old woman arrives selling flowers. Homes accuses her of selling them without a license and threatens to arrest her. The Shropshire Slasher moans "Mother!" Before Homes has time to consider what has happened, the Shropshire Slasher grabs him by the neck and starts shaking him violently, causing an assortment of objects to fall from Homes' person. The Shropshire Slasher and his mother then leave, with him explaining to her that he promised "the nice gentleman" that he would give himself up, and her praising him for willingly giving himself up. Watkins asks a beat-up looking Homes in what school he learned to be a detective. Homes answers: "Elementary, my dear Watkins. Elementary".
Mel Blanc as Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, the Shropshire Slasher, the Mailman, Alfie and the Bartender
June Foray as the Shropshire Slasher's Mother and Lady Ashtabula
This short can be found on Disc Two of the ' DVD set, Disc One of the ' Blu-ray set, and Disc One of The Essential Daffy Duck DVD set.