
Dekmanca is a settlement on the right bank of the Sotla River in the Municipality of Bistrica ob Sotli in eastern Slovenia, right on the border with Croatia. The area was traditionally part of the Styria region. It is now included in the Lower Sava Statistical Region; until January 2014 it was part of the Savinja Statistical Region. The settlement includes the hamlets of Graben, Bobovec, and Gmajna.


Dekmanca was attested in written sources in 1351 as Dyͤtmarstorff. The name is derived from the German personal name Dietmar or Dietman. Locally, Dekmanca is known as Dekmarca. In modern German it was known as Deckmannsdorf.


There is surface evidence of an Ancient Roman settlement in the Groblje area in Dekmanca. The site has been protected as a national heritage site by the Slovenian Ministry of Culture, but it has not been investigated in any detail so far.