The yearly fees of the school range from Dhs. 10,439 to Dhs. 14,474 depending upon the grade.
The school was a co-education school from grades KG1 to Grade 4 till 2014. It was converted to a complete co-education school in 2014.
Languages such as French and Arabic are taught in addition to Indian languages. Students are taught to respect other cultures and encounter other cultures via educational trips.
The school, at the end of each academic year, gives a Scholar Badge to students of Grade V and above, for achieving an overall grade of A2 and a grade point average of 8.6 any upgrades.
Special awards
Some special awards are given for high achievers.
All-Rounder: Awarded for outstanding performance in both academic and extra-curricular activities.
Academic Excellence Award: Awarded to the highest aggregate percentage in all sections of that grade in an academic year.
Special Proficiency: Awarded to students who have excelled in any extra-curricular activity.
Subject Proficiency: Awarded to students who secured the highest marks in a certain subject in all sections of that grade in an academic year.
Students who achieve the Scholar Badge for three or more years are awarded BlueBlazer, Blue Badge, Blue Tie or GoldMedal. Furthermore, the school offers additional awards to consistent achievers in the field of academics and those who provide valuable contributions to the school such as the Pro-Vice Chairman's Cup, Principal's Award and the Spirit of D.P.S. Dubai.
This campus is located outside the main city, in The Gardens. The school buildings today comprise five computer labs, a physics lab, a biology lab, a chemistry lab, a maths lab, language labs, four libraries, two auditoriums, a basketball court, a cricket ground, a multi-sports complex, an rectangle field for many sports, two cafeterias and two clinics, one for boys and one for girls. They recently added a tennis court managed by tennis coaches. The school is divided into 5 blocks:-
The school has many clubs depending on the grade. Students from Grades 6 to 8 can enjoy Mathalon, Muses Mantra, Dance, Singing, Eureka, and many more clubs that are then presented on their Annual Day. Students of Grades 9 and 11 can enjoy all the clubs that grades 6 to 8 have with a few more like photography, movie making etc.
IHMUN takes place for three days in the school usually on Wednesday and Thursday and Saturday in the morning at many venues. The Chairs and Co-Chairs are only from DPSD and also organize the function for the school. The IHMUN on its final day has a crisis situation where all the committees gather in one place to help calm a crisis situation in the world.
MUN@DPSD usually takes place on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday at many venues like in IHMUN. Usually MUN@DPSD continues the topics and discussions from IHMUN at DPSD. The chairs and co-chairs are from schools participating in the conference and from DPSD. Every year DPS invites different schools to come and participate. Delhi Private School, Sharjah, St.Joseph School, Our Own Indian School, Dubai, Indian High School and many more schools have participated in this event in the past few years.