Democratic Society Congress

The Democratic Society Congress is a pro-Kurdish NGO favouring the implementation of Democratic Confederalism in Turkish politics. Its foundation congress was held between 26-29 October 2007.


It has 2 co-chairs, a chairman and a chairwoman, a general assembly with 501 delegates, an executive council of 21 members and several committees. 40% of the delegates of the general assembly are represented by labour unions, civil society organizations and political parties, 40% are representatives from local assemblies. The congress meets approximately every 3 months to discuss the resolutions which come from the distinct committees. The DTK has assemblies in several administrative subdivisions like in districts, cities, villages and neighborhoods. It has an executive committee of 5 members, a coordination council with 13 members and a permanent assembly of 101 delegates. Several committees are formed by the DTK.
On 14 July 2011 it announced its support for Democratic Autonomy after having held an extraordinary congress in Diyarbakır with 850 participants. The DTK is also active in the solution finding process for the Kurdish question in Turkey and issued a proposal for a political solution in December 2015 According to this proposal it was supported the idea of issuing a new constitution which after which Turkey would be structured into several democratic autonomous regions represented in the Turkish parliament.
