Demon Lord, Retry! is a Japanese fantasy light novel series written by Kurone Kanzaki and illustrated by Kōji Ogata. It began serialization online in 2016 on the user-generated novel publishing website Shōsetsuka ni Narō, as well as the website Hameln. It was later acquired by Futabasha, who have published the series since June 2017 under their Monster Bunko imprint. A manga adaptation with art by Amaru Minotake has been serialized via Futabasha's digital publication Web Comic Action since October 2017. J-Novel Club has licensed the light novel and manga series for English releases in July 2019, with the first English-translated volume being published in November 2019. An animetelevision series adaptation by Ekachi Epilka aired from July 4 to September 19, 2019. Episode 12 ended by claiming, "To be continued!"
As Akira Ono prepares to shut down the servers of his creation, the MMORPG Infinity Game, he suddenly finds himself in the body of his character, Demon Lord Hakuto Kunai, after an unexplained event. The new world he wakes up in appears to be set within Infinity Game, but with some differences. He encounters and summons various companions who join him on his travels, and his reputation of "Demon Lord" spreads throughout the land, making him a target. Eventually, Ono/Kunai finds himself having to deal with the sociological problems of the Kingdom of Holy Light and the Satanist cult that opposes it, as he continues to pursue his mission of finding out why and how he was summoned.
;Hakuto Kunai / Akira Ōno ;Aku ;Luna Elegant
;Killer Queen ;Angel White ;Yū Kirino ;Isami Tahara ;Zero Kirisame ;Tron ;Mikan ;Yukikaze ;Mink ;Organ ;Iei ;Mount Fuji ;Marshall Arts ;Dona Dona ;Ebifry Butterfly ;Momo and Kyon ;Oruit ;Utopia ;Otamega ;Akane Fujisaki
Light novels
started publishing since June 2017 under their Monster Bunko imprint. A reprint of the light novels, illustrated by Makoto Iino, will be published under Futabasha's M Novels label. This series is also available in English with J-Novel Club acquiring the rights for English releases in July 2019, with the first English-translated volume being published in November 2019.
A manga adaptation with art by Amaru Minotake has been serialized via Futabasha's digital publication Web Comic Action since October 2017. It has been collected in five tankōbon volumes. J-Novel Club has licensed the manga.
An anime television series adaptation by Ekachi Epilka aired from July 4 to September 19, 2019 on Tokyo MX and BS Fuji. The series is directed by Hiroshi Kimura, with Ōka Tanisaki handled the series composition, and Chiyo Nakayama designed the characters. Kaori Ishihara performed the series' opening theme song "Tempest," while Haruka Tōjō performed the series' ending theme song "New." Funimation has licensed the series.