Demonice of Aetolia

In Greek mythology, Demonice was an Aetolian princess as the daughter of Agenor and Epicaste and thus sister of Porthaon and in some account, Thestius. She bore Ares four sons: Evenus, Molus, Pylus, and Thestius. Her son's names may be intended to be eponyms, with Evenus corresponding to the river Evinos in Aetolia; Pylus to the Aetolian city of Pylene between the rivers Achelous and Evenos; and Molus to the people named Molossians from Epirus. Demonice was also known as Demodice or Demodoce.


Demonice was recounted by Hesiod in his Catalogue of Women in the following lines:
"Demodoce whom very many of men on earth, mighty princes, wooed, promising splendid gifts, because of her exceeding beauty."