
Demonland is a large island in Eric Rücker Eddison's fantasy world, described in The Worm Ouroboros. The people who live in Demonland are referred to as demons, though they appear as humans with small horns adorned on their heads.


Demonland is the setting for much of the action in the story. Although it has a complicated geography, it was never fully defined by the author. Demonland is one of several important realms in the book. The others are Witchland, Impland, Goblinland, the Foliot Isles, and Pixyland.
This is how Demonland was described by Lord Juss when he saw it in Chapter 8:
In fiction, Demonland is somewhat comparable to Rohan of Middle-earth or Cimmeria in Conan's world. As a real place, Demonland is similar to Norway during the Viking Age, both in geography and in its economy. Eddison describes a rugged land where people follow a pastoral economy inland, while near the ocean there are many ships and fishermen. No major cities are named but many castles are described; each lord of Demonland seems to rule over a territory centered around a castle. Major castles are:
Many other places are named such as Switchwater Way, Glaumry Pike, Rammerick Mere and hundreds more. However, Eddison, unlike his better known contemporary Tolkien, never mapped his world.

Government of Demonland

As Paul Edmund Thomas explains in his introduction to the 1991 edition of the book, Demonland has no clear government. Lord Juss is not a king, and what orders are given are issued after a council meeting. Lord Spitfire says early on "Are not the Demons a free people?" Despite this, the ordinary farmers and fisherfolk of Demonland are content to follow their leaders into battle without much question or complaint.
The main leaders of Demonland are the three brothers, Lord Juss, Goldry Bluszco, and Lord Spitfire; as well as one other great lord: Brandoch Daha. Lesser leaders of Demonland are:
Several battles are fought in Demonland during the book:
In addition one other battle is mentioned taking place before the book begins:
Demonland is also the home to the last of the wild hippogriffs, and a second hippogriff egg is found in the waters of Dule Tarn by Brandoch Daha. This allows Lord Juss to rescue his brother Goldry from the enchanted prison of Zora Rach.
