Department of Science and Technology (Philippines)

The Department of Science and Technology, is the executive department of the Philippine government responsible for the coordination of science and technology-related projects in the Philippines and to formulate policies and projects in the fields of science and technology in support of national development.


The DOST was formed as the National Science Development Board on June 13, 1958, during the administration of President Carlos P. Garcia. The science body was formed as a result of a law passed in the Congress upon the recommendation of Dr. Frank Co Tui, who was tasked by Garcia to conduct a survey regarding the state of science and technology in the country. It was reorganized as the National Science and Technology Authority on March 17, 1981 and was given broader policy-making and program implementing functions.
On January 30, 1987, during the administration of President Corazon Aquino, the NSTA was elevated to cabinet-level status with the signing of Executive Order 128, and was renamed as the Department of Science and Technology.


  1. Formulate and adopt a comprehensive National Science and Technology Plan, and monitor and coordinate its funding and implementation;
  2. Promote, assist and, where appropriate, undertake scientific and technological research and development in areas identified as vital to the country's development;
  3. Promote the development of indigenous technology and the adaptation and innovation of suitable imported technology, and in this regard, undertake technology development up to commercial stage;
  4. Undertake design and engineering works to complement research and development functions;
  1. Promote, assist and, where appropriate, undertake the technological services needed by agriculture, industry, transport, and the general public;
  2. Develop and maintain an information system and databank on science and technology;
  3. Develop and implement programs for strengthening scientific and technological capabilities through manpower training, infrastructure and institution-building;
  4. Promote public consciousness in science and technology; and
  5. Undertake policy research, technology assessment, feasibility and technical studies.

    List of the Secretaries

Organizational Structure

The Department is headed by the Secretary of Science and Technology, with the following four undersecretaries and three assistant secretaries

Collegial and Scientific Bodies