Deputy conservator of forests

A Deputy Conservator of Forests or, equivalently a Divisional Forest Officer, is an officer belonging to the Indian Forest Service. The Deputy Conservator of Forests is responsible for managing the forests, environment and wildlife related issues of a Forest Division of a state or a union territory of India. He/She is assisted by the officers of the State Forest Service and other state forest and wildlife officials, and reports to the Conservator of Forests of the Forest Department.
Assistant Conservator Forest Or equivalently a ' Sub Divisional Officer '
ACF is an important officer in the administration of forest divisions. ACF/SDO is a Gazetted Officer and He or She is equivalent to Deputy Collector in the administrator domain and DSP in police department.
ACF are state forest officers who belong to the divisional forest forces, either direct entrants at that rank or promoted from Forest range officer grade first recruited by state Public Service Commissions or Union public service commission receive this rank directly
Salary = Assistant Conservator of Forest Salary
As per the 6th CPC Report, the pre-revised pay scale for the post is 15,600 - 39,100 with
Grade of 5,400. Now after 7th Pay commission, Assistant Conservator of Forest revised entry pay is 56,100
Function = The ACF is basically a first line supervisor. The work of the Range Officer and the officials subordinate to him is to carry out the work. The ACF supervises the work. The DFO and higher officers are mainly concerned with decision making.
Technical Functions: An ACF has to supervise various works in the field such as marking of trees for felling, classification of logs to be sold by auction into various lots, examination of plantations, timber depots and nurseries.
The assistant conservator makes sure that the plantation of trees and the process of taking care of them takes place properly. He is responsible for harvesting the forest and this requires a lot of hard work.... The assistant conservator also recruits different people who can help him in the task of conserving the forest
Misc functions
': An ACF has to conduct enquiries into various complaints.