Despot (vehicle)

Despot is multifunctional armoured vehicle developed in Tehnički Remont Bratunac manufacture located in Bratunac, Republika Srpska.
Despot can be used for police and military purposes and main roles of the vehicle are patrol and reconnaissance missions, commanding, transport and support of special operation units, medical purposes, counter-terrorism operations and peace action in cases of different weather conditions.
Prototype is revealed on celebration of Republic Day on parade in Banja Luka on January 9, 2019. First two serial produced vehicles are brought in Training Center of the Ministry of Interior of Republika Srpska in Zalužani, near Banja Luka where vehicles be located for purposes of Special Anti-Terrorist Unit.


Actually only user is Special Anti-Terrorist Unit of the Ministry of Interior of Republika Srpska.
Also there are some plans for export of this vehicle to Namibia, Tanzania, Israel and Russia.