
Destricted is a British-American drama film series that explores the line where art and pornography intersect. The UK and US film releases had overlapping but different short art-house erotic films. The film collection won awards at a range of international film festivals, including Cannes, Sundance, Edinburgh, Amsterdam and Locarno.


The UK version released in 2006 runs at 112 minutes and includes seven short films:
The US version runs at 129 minutes and includes eight short films, four from the earlier plus four new ones: Marilyn Minter's Green Pink Caviar, Barney's Hoist, Cecily Brown's Four Letter Heaven, Clark's Impaled, Noé's We Fuck Alone, Prince's House Call, Sante D'Orazio's Scratch This, and Tunga's Cooking.


;House Call
;Death Valley
;We Fuck Alone