
Detentionaire is a Canadian animated series produced by Nelvana and aired on Teletoon. It was created by Daniel Bryan Franklin and Charles Johnston and produced by Tracey Dodokin. The show features a total of 53 episodes, spanning across 4 seasons.


The story revolves around high school student Lee Ping, who on his first day of 10th grade was framed for a major prank and was punished with a full year of detention. Every day with the help of his friends, Lee sneaks out of detention to try to expose who was really behind the prank all while trying to avoid being caught by the school's principal Barrage. In his quest to clear his name, Lee uncovers a conspiracy within the school that ties to his family.


Main characters


The development of the pilot episode was announced on September 21, 2009. As of October that year, 26 episodes were scheduled to be produced with a budget of US$275,000–325,000 per episode; production of the pilot was set to begin in spring 2010.
The series was inspired by the school experiences of the creators, particularly in depicting various cultural backgrounds and dealing with school rules and restrictions. A major focus of the show was the defiance of stereotypes, especially those regarding cliquishness.
For season 4, a very different concept for the plot was initially created than that which was eventually produced, with a prominent role for the character of Niles Peg and a special title for Lee.


The series has been reviewed by Strange Kids Club and Toon Zone, with the former also conducting interviews with both of the co-creators.

Awards and nominations


In Canada, the series was first shown during the week of September 12, 2011 on Teletoon with a preview of the first 5 episodes, and began airing regularly on January 5, 2012. On the French-language Télétoon, the show was aired as La Retenue.
The show first aired in Australia on ABC3 on May 12, 2012. The fourth-season finale premiered in Australia on January 31, 2014.
The series premiered on the "Always On" digital platform of Cartoon Network in the United States as part of the platform's 2014–2015 lineup. Some, but not all, episodes of the show were made available on Cartoon Network's website on September 29, 2014, spanning most of seasons 1 and 2.
In September 2019, the Nelvana-owned YouTube channel Retro Rerun began uploading episodes. The series has also aired in the United Kingdom on Pop Max and Pluto TV Kids.

Home video releases

Episodes have been made available in standard definition on the Canadian iTunes Store as they aired on Teletoon, currently spanning seasons 1, 2, and 3.
All four seasons are available for purchase on Amazon Video in the United States, both in high and standard definition.
The series has also been released on Ameba TV and Tubi TV.