Deutsch-Asiatische Bank

Deutsch-Asiatische Bank was a foreign bank in China. Its principal activity was trade financing, but together with English and French banks, it also played a role in the underwriting of bonds for the Chinese government and in the financing of railway construction in China.


Deutsche-Asiatische Bank was founded in Shanghai in 1889 with the participation of Deutsche Bank, one of the largest banks in Germany. It set up branches in Calcutta, Tianjin, Hankou, Tsingtao, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Kobe, Singapore, Peking, Canton and Tsinan.
In 1906, it received the concession to issue its own banknotes in China. During First World War and the Second World War, its branch network and business activities were destroyed. In 1953, it launched a new beginning in Hamburg. Together with partner banks within the EBIC group, Deutsche Bank subsequently founded "Europäisch-Asiatische Bank" in 1972, which the former Deutsch-Asiatische Bank was merged into. In 1986, the bank was called "Deutsche Bank " after the partner banks withdrew from their participations. Between 1987 and 1988, it was then merged into Deutsche Bank.