
Devarachikkanahalli, abbreviated as DC Halli, is a village in South Bangalore.
It is a small locality which is located near Bannerghatta Road, little away from Bilekahalli. This village connects Bannerghatta Road with Begur.
The present MLA of Devarachikkanahlli is Sathish Reddy and the pin Code of devarachikkanahlli is 560076.
it has many schools like nightingales high school, St.Philomena English High School, Indian primary high school, Govt higher school and NGO's like Way For Life, PR agency like Online Gabbar and has 1 church and 5 temples.


The village is well connected by the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation.


Devarachikkanahalli located near Bannerghatta road which is approximately 5 km bannerghatta road. Devarachikkanahalli comes under Ward has many schools like nightingales high school, Indian primary high school, Govt higher school and NGO's like way for life and has 1 church and 5 temples.