
Dhatukaya or Dhatukaya-sastra is one of the seven Sarvastivada Abhidharma Buddhist scriptures.
Dhatukaya means "group of elements". It was written by Purna, or Vasumitra. It was translated into Chinese translated by Xuanzang: T26, No. 1540, 阿毘達磨界身足論, 尊者世友造, 三藏法師玄奘奉 詔譯, in a short 3 fascicles.
This comparatively short text bears similarities with the Pāli Sthaviravada text, the Dhatu-katha, in style and format, though it uses a different matrka. It also bears a close connection with the Prakaranapada, through several items common to both. In its sevenfold division of dharmas in particular, it does provide, a closer look at the various divisions of dharmas, in particular citta and caitasika, with its conjoined and non-conjoined aspects. As it is not mentioned in the Mahavibhasa, this also suggests it is either a later text, or originally a fragment removed from an earlier text.