Dhobaura Upazila

Dhobaura is an Upazila of Mymensingh District in the Division of Mymensingh, Bangladesh.


Dhobaura Upazila with an area of 251.880 km2, is bounded by Meghalaya on the north, Phulpur and Purbadhala upazilas on the south, Durgapur upazila on the east, Haluaghat upazila on the west. Main rivers are Nitai and Kangsa. There are many hillocks on the north region of the upazila.
Dhobaura is located at . It has 44007 households and total area 251.880 km².
this Upazila have 7 union.


As of the 2011 Bangladesh census, Dhobaura has a population of 427913. Males constitute 47.30% of the population, and females 52.70%. This Upazila's adult population is 113,348. Dhobaura has an average literacy rate of 65%.
According to the 2011 Bangladesh census, Dhobaura had a population of 196,284. Males constituted 49.14% of the population and females 50.86%. Muslims formed 91.38% of the population, Hindus 3.52%, Christians 5.05% and others 0.05%. Dhobaura had a literacy rate of 29.36% for the population 7 years and above.


Dhobaura thana, now an upazila, was established in 1976. The area of the town is 3.82 km2. The town has one dak bungalow.
Dhobaura has 7 Unions, 99 Mauzas/Mahallas, and 163 villages. Muslim, Hindu and Garo this three religious people live in Dhoboura upazila with together
The name of the Union are given in the follow,
1)Dhokinmije Para
2) Gamaritola
3) Dhobaura
4) Purakandolia
5) Gusgaw
6) Guatola
7) Baghber/Munshirhat


Average literacy 65%; male 68% and female 62%. Educational institutions: college 3, high school 20, junior high school 3, madrasa 6, government primary school 43, non-government 44 and kinder garden school 6.