Diana Wynne Jones bibliography

was a British writer of fantasy novels for children and adults. She wrote a small amount of non-fiction.


This list follows the Internet Speculative Fiction Database in grouping many works in five fiction series. Some other classifications differ from ISFDB. There is some overlap in listings.

Stand alone books for adults

E-book collections

''Chrestomanci'' series

The Chrestomanci fantasy series comprises six novels and four short stories.
Publication order
The books in order of release:
  1. Charmed LifeGuardian Children's Fiction Prize; Carnegie Medal commendation; Preis der Leseratten
  2. The Magicians of Caprona
  3. Witch Week
  4. The Lives of Christopher Chant – Carnegie Medal commendation
  5. Mixed Magics, short stories published 1982 to 2000
  6. Conrad's Fate
  7. The Pinhoe Egg – Mythopoeic Fantasy Award Children's finalist; Locus Award Young Adult Book, 6th place
If the short stories in Mixed Magics are counted separately, the order of release is:
  1. Charmed Life
  2. The Magicians of Caprona
  3. Witch Week
  4. "The Sage of Theare", in Hecate's Cauldron ed. Susan M. Schwartz
  5. "Warlock at the Wheel", in Warlock at the Wheel by Jones
  6. "Carol Oneir's Hundredth Dream", in Dragons and Dreams ed. Jane Yolen et al.
  7. The Lives of Christopher Chant
  8. "Stealer of Souls", in Mixed Magics by Jones
  9. Conrad's Fate
  10. The Pinhoe Egg
Reading order
Diana Wynne Jones herself, however, recommended reading the books in this order:
  1. Charmed Life
  2. The Lives of Christopher Chant
  3. Conrad's Fate
  4. Witch Week
  5. The Magicians of Caprona
The short stories in Mixed Magics can be read in any order after that. The Pinhoe Egg can probably be read after The Magicians of Caprona.
Chronological order
Two works feature Christopher Chant as a boy and teen; the others are set during his tenure as Chrestomanci. The narrative sequence is clear for all but two.
  1. The Lives of Christopher Chant
  2. Conrad's Fate
  3. Charmed Life
  4. "Warlock at the Wheel"
  5. "The Sage of Theare"‡
  6. Witch Week
  7. The Magicians of Caprona
  8. "Stealer of Souls"
  9. "Carol Oneir's Hundredth Dream"
  10. The Pinhoe Egg
‡ Three of the short stories follow soon after the novels as listed here. On the other hand, "The Sage of Theare" does not have a fictional date or any landmark that relates it closely to another work in the series.
Witch Week is set sometime after Charmed Life, in which Chrestomanci acquires his ward Janet Chant.
Chronicles of Chrestomanci
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci series are set in three volumes:
  1. Cart and Cwidder
  2. Drowned Ammet
  3. The Spellcoats
  4. Crown of DalemarkMythopoeic Award, Children's Fantasy
  1. Dark Lord of Derkholm – Mythopoeic Award, Children's Fantasy
  2. Year of the Griffin
The Tough Guide to Fantasyland is noted to have similar themes.

''The Moving Castle'' series

  1. Howl's Moving Castle – Boston Globe–Horn Book Award Fiction runner-up; 2006 Phoenix Award
  2. Castle in the Air – Mythopoeic Fantasy Award Children's finalist
  3. House of Many Ways – Mythopoeic Fantasy Award Children's finalist
Other Formats


These are anthologies Diana Wynne Jones edited herself.
These short stories were not published as separate volumes, and not included in any collections entirely written by Jones.
These collections include about 25 pieces of short fiction with much repetition.
Published also in other compilations
Diana Wynne Jones also wrote several short stories and poems that have been published in anthologies.


Diana Wynne Jones wrote introductions to the following books:


Published posthumously:
  • Earwig and the Witch
  • Vector 268 Autumn 2011, with "An Excerpt from a Conversation with Diana Wynne Jones" by Charlie Butler - Interview
  • Reflections On the Magic of Writing, nonfiction
  • Unnatural Creatures, with "The Sage of Theare" - Contributor
  • The Mammoth Book of Dark Magic, with "The Sage of Theare" - Contributor
  • Escape Pod, EP427, with "Samantha's Diary" - Contributor
  • The Islands of Chaldea, by Jones and her sister Ursula Jones
New Collections: