Didier Rimaud

Didier Rimaud was a French Jesuit, composer and poet.


Didier Rimaud was the grandson of Emile Rimaud. Although born in Carnac which was the holiday home of his family, Didier Rimaud grew up and studied in Lyon. His large family and his parents were amateur musicians. He became a Jesuit in 1941 after a year of novitiate, then began to sing in the Little Singers of Provence choir.
With the National Center for Pastoral Liturgy he began in the 1950s to participate in writing French texts of the Catholic liturgy and providing guidance for the redevelopment of places of worship. According to Rimaud, the anonymous translation of liturgical texts, as difficult as it was, gave him great joy when he heard these texts used in worship.
In 1952, he published his first liturgical chant, side E 20 : Lord, come.
In the 1970s, after the Second Vatican Council, the Society of Jesus reminded its members not to dissociate the proclamation of the faith and the pursuit of social justice for the poor. This marked Didier Rimaud and greatly influenced his later compositions.
With Vatican II Rimaud felt the need to expand the repertoire of French songs for the liturgy. He collaborated with musicians such as Jacques Berthier, Jo Akepsimas Joseph Gelineau and Christian Villeneuve.
He also participated in the liturgical translation of the Bible into French. This translation is intended to be understood by listeners orally at a celebration. The original draft was made in 1970 for passages read during the celebrations, and a draft was completed in the 2000s for the whole of the Old Testament.
Rimaud received Broquette Gonin Price in 1981.