Die (musician)

Die is a Japanese musician and guitarist. He is best known as one of the guitarists of the extreme metal band Dir En Grey since its inception in 1997. He was previously a member of the bands Ka・za・ri and La:Sadie's in the mid-1990s. In 2015, Die began the side project Decays, for which he is the vocalist and guitarist.
Die is the second most credited composer within Dir en grey, at least up to Vulgar, when individual credits for the music were dropped. His songs tend to be more upbeat, such as "304 Goushitsu, Hakushi no Sakura", "Wake" and "Mr.Newsman". Die became interested in rock music after hearing Buck-Tick's album Aku no Hana in junior high school. He developed his love of guitar from D'erlanger's debut album La Vie En Rose and called their guitarist Cipher his "guitar hero."


Die is endorsed by ESP Guitars in Japan who provides him with most of his guitars, picks, and straps. He has two lines of signature-series guitar from the ESP Custom Shop guitars called the DDT and D-DR models. Both models are based on the classic Telecaster body, the original DDT model being a copy of it and the newer D-DR model appearing to be a combination of a telecaster and an ESP F-body. In live performances he mainly uses amplification and red covered cabinets by Mesa/Boogie.
Both of Die's signature guitars have replica models available in Japan through the ESP and Edwards product lines. ESP offers replicas of the D-DR 300 and DDT #00004. Edwards offers replicas of the same models as ESP and a miniature DDT.


Pickups and other accessories

In the DVD that was included with the limited version of their new single, featuring Recordings of all three tracks, Die is seen using an Electro-Harmonix Metal Muff.
In their recent interview with GiGS No. 315, Die and Kaoru used the WARZY DRIVE by Shark Effect for the Dropped A tuning. Die also upgraded his POG to a POG2, The Eventide TIME FACTOR was added, and his Electro Harmonix Small Clone was Modified.