Diego Marani

Diego Marani is an Italian novelist, translator, and newspaper columnist. In 1996, while working as a translator for the Council of the European Union, he invented Europanto, a mock international auxiliary language.


Marani has published different articles, short stories and video clips in Europanto. Marani works as a Policy Officer in the External Action Service of the European Union.
Diego Marani is also an essayist and novelist. His most famous novel, New Finnish Grammar, has been translated into several languages and has received the Grinzane Cavour literary prize in Italy. His other novels include Las Adventures des Inspector Cabillot, L'ultimo dei Vostiach , L'interprete, Il Compagno di scuola, and Enciclopedia tresigallese. As an essayist, Diego Marani wrote A Trieste con Svevo and Come ho imparato le lingue. His book, La bicicletta incantata, was made into a movie by Elisabetta Sgarbi, editor in chief of Bompiani publishing house and art producer. Diego Marani regularly writes for the cultural page of the Italian daily Il Sole 24 Ore and is a blogger on eunews.it.
A more recent novel of Marani's, Il Cane di Dio, was published 2012 and issued in English as God's Dog in that year as well. Lavorare manca was published in 2014.