Pulmonary hemorrhage

Pulmonary hemorrhage is an acute bleeding from the lung, from the upper respiratory tract and the trachea, and the alveoli. When evident clinically, the condition is usually massive. The onset of pulmonary hemorrhage is characterized by cough productive of blood and worsening of oxygenation leading to cyanosis. Treatment should be immediate and should include tracheal suction, oxygen, positive pressure ventilation, and correction of underlying abnormalities. A blood transfusion may be necessary.


is the factor most commonly associated with pulmonary hemorrhage. Other associated factors are those that predisposed to perinatal asphyxia or bleeding disorders, including toxemia of pregnancy, maternal cocaine use, erythroblastosis fetalis, breech delivery, hypothermia, infection, Infant respiratory distress syndrome, administration of exogenous surfactants and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.


Although the pathogenesis is uncertain, it is probable that the symptoms are a consequence of hemorrhagic pulmonary edema, as the hematocrit is lower than normal blood and the concentration of small proteins is higher than in plasma. It is postulated that the infant suffers from asphyxia with resultant heart attack; this increases pulmonary microvascular pressure, resulting in pulmonary edema. Contributing factors include factors that favor increased filtration of fluid from pulmonary capillaries.

Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage

Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage is bleeding from many alveoli throughout the lungs. Common causes include autoimmune diseases and connective tissue diseases.


The outcome of treatment is dependent on causality. Pulmonary Hemorrhage is present in 7 to 10% of neonatal autopsies, but up to 80% of autopsies of very preterm infants. The incidence is 1 in 1,000 live births. Pulmonary hemorrhage has a high mortality rate of 30% to 40%.