Digimon Frontier, is the fourth anime television series in the Digimon franchise, produced by Toei Animation. Unlike the previous series, but similar to the climax of the previous season, the main characters are able to merge with ancient spirits known as "Legendary Warriors" to become Digimon themselves. The series aired in Japan from April 7, 2002 to March 30, 2003. An English-language version, produced by Sensation Animation, was broadcast in North America from September 9, 2002 to July 14, 2003 as the fourth and final season of Digimon: Digital Monsters.
In the events prior to the series, a group of ten Digimon creatures from the "Digital World", a parallel universe originated from Earth's various communication networks, sacrificed themselves to seal away the evil Lucemon. These Digimon, collectively known as "Legendary Warriors", created artifacts from their data: the twenty "Spirits", before leaving the Digital World in the care of three Celestial Digimon, Ophanimon, Cherubimon and Seraphimon. When Cherubimon betrays them, Ophanimon summons five children.
The five DigiDestined find their respective Human Spirits and merge with them to "Spirit Evolve" into Digimon themselves. While finding each of their Beast Spirits, they meet five other Legendary Warriors, who serve Cherubimon. After defeating them, Koji notices that Cherubimon and Koichi are opposing them. Takuya and his friends free Koichi, restore his power, and allow him to join them. They rescue Ophanimon. However, she sacrifices herself to save them. Ophanimon upgrades Takuya and Koji's D-Tectors, with the last of her strength to allow them to Unity Spirit Evolve. After defeating Cherubimon, the DigiDestined learn that Lucemon is sealed within the Digital World's core. Two Royal Knights, Dynasmon and Crusadermon, scan all of the world's data to awaken Lucemon. Takuya and Koji defeat the knights, just as they scan the Digital World. When Lucemon frees himself, he opens a portal to the real world. When Koichi sacrifices his power, Lucemon leaves the Digital World. While all spirits combine to form into the ultimate Legendary Warrior Digimon Susanoomon, Lucemon arrives at the real world. After reviving Ophanimon, Cherubimon and Seraphimon, Susanoomon destroys Lucemon, recovering the data and restoring the Digital World. The children return to the real world and realize that an hour did not pass. They save Koichi by using the power of D-Tectors, before they evert into cell phones. Takuya and his friends embrace their future.
announced the production of a fourth Digimon series in February 2002 and was set to start in April, after Tamers. Digimon Frontier was conceived by Fuji TV's Go Haruna, Yomiko Advertising's Kyōtarō Kimura, and Hiromi Seki. The series was directed by Yukio Kaizawa, who had previously worked on some Bikkuriman shows and certain One Piece episodes. It was chiefly written by Sukehiro Tomita, while character designs were done by Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru.
Digimon Frontier aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 7, 2002 to March 30, 2003. The show's opening theme song is "Fire!!" by Kōji Wada, which peaked at #75 on the Oricon Weekly Singles Chart. The ending theme songs are "Innocent " by Wada for the first half and "An Endless Tale" by Wada and AiM for the second half. The insert songs featured in the show are "With the Will" by Kōji Wada, which served as the Spirit Evolution theme, and "The Last Element" by Ayumi Miyazaki, which was the theme song for Unified Spirit Evolution. An English-language version, produced by Sensation Animation and recorded by Studiopolis, aired in North America as the fourth season to Digimon: Digital Monsters. It aired on UPN, ABC Family, and YTV between September 9, 2002 and July 14, 2003. Digimon Frontier appeared on ABC Family as part of a package deal with Digimon Tamers from when Disney had acquired the rights from Saban Entertainment. UPN aired the show until late August 2003, when they severed their ties to Disney. The dubbed version featured an original soundtrack, sound effects, character name changes and edits pertaining to content scenes are deemed too inappropriate for all audiences. The theme song of the English version was produced by Chris Horvath. In addition to the theme song, the show also featured music by Deddy Tzur and Inon Zur. The series was originally scheduled to air on Jetix in the United Kingdom. However, the series was put on hold and was never broadcast by the time the channel ended in August 2009. New Video Group released a complete DVD box set of English-dubbed Digimon Frontier on September 10, 2013 in the US, and a DVD collection with all Digimon shows up to Frontier on October 22, 2013. Out of fan requests, the UK got a release of Frontier on October 29, 2018.
In addition to the television series, a film adaptation titled was produced. It had the same writer, composer and character design from the TV show, but was directed by Takahiro Imamura. The film premiered at Toei's Summer Anime Fair on July 20, 2002 along with three other productions. Although the fair was deemed a box office failure, earning 800 million yen —whereas last edition earned 2 billion yen—, the film alone grossed half of it, 460 million yen. The film aired on Jetix in the United States on November 27, 2005, and reruns were broadcast on Toon Disney in 2007.
Drama CD
A drama CD titled Digimon Frontier: Original Story: What I Want to Tell You was released on April 23, 2003 and is centered on each of the Legendary Warriors sending messages to each other. The cast from the television series reprised their roles.