Digital media in education

Digital mediums are growing rapidly to compete with books as the superior means of communication. Needing to meet the current needs of society, educational leaders are aware that there is a growing need to change the current practices and make a shift towards incorporating more technology into the classroom. Digital media in education refers to the use of interactive multimedia in the classroom setting. Digital media in education involves the processes of incorporating digital media, such as specific software, mobile devices as a tool for learning, and many other things.

How Digital Media Creates Voice

Digital media can take several different forms in terms of creating voice, such as email, video, websites, photos, and slideshows. Emails allow direct communication with a student and teacher outside the classroom. Students can have dialogue at any time with their professors on problems or questions they are having. In a study done by Alison Cook-Sather, students tend to be more comfortable with communicating by e-mail. It has the effect of socially leveling the student and teacher.
Through visual presentations students and professors can put forth their information with video and photo. Showcasing their topic through video and photo has become a major theme in the classroom. For example, in an article by Jon M. Wargo and Kara Clayton, U.S. secondary students amplified by a global political climate of fear, oppression, and increased nationalism, used multimodal composition, and video production in particular, as a means to participate in politics and voice their opinion. Through video production they were able to create a message and display it to a larger audience. The study showed that presenting information in the form of a video production increased student interactions amongst each other and themselves, and amplified youth voice. Students felt more in control of their work, and production process allowed for them to voice their own opinions.
Through the internet and websites students, professors, and anyone can obtain information on any subject. Digital media allows students and teachers to advance communication techniques.

Opportunity through digital media

Digital media allows people to showcase their work, social standpoints, and more. Student’s work can reach a larger crowd and receive comments and opinions. Reddit, YouTube, Vimeo, pages like these allow public display of anyone’s ideas and work. This feedback also gives students perception on how there work will be received in the real world. Students looking for work or internships to strengthen their resumé also will find opportunity online through sites such as Linkedin. Linkedin is a social networking site that allows one to network and to build their professional portfolio. It also enables anyone to search for job opportunities.

How digital media is being incorporated into education

The use of digital media in education allows students to access more useful information, communicate, find opportunity, or join learning groups. As time has passed different forms of digital media, such as laptops, video, and online research have been incorporated into daily education. New programs and classes are being added to curriculum every year. For instance, the University of Connecticut launched a digital media and design major in 2015. This includes various classes such as web design, digital culture, animation, and more. Next year they will be offering a video and film concentration.

Digital Media Literacy

Even though there is no exact definition of media literacy, it can be closely defined as the ability to decode information from digital media, take meaning from it, and adequately communicate the idea to others. Media literacy is a practice that allows people to access, critically evaluate, and create media. Information presented in the form of digital media is absorbed and expressed differently than when in the form of traditional media. Evidently, literacy has always been a form of social power. Even though not everyone has the accessibility and opportunity to engage in such practices, the world of today is saturated with digital media. It is important to implement these technological changes into the education system to prepare individuals to be engaged in political, social and economic aspects of society. Due to this, it is crucial for education systems to examine distinct forms of teaching and provide the appropriate resources and knowledge for the contemporary world.
One of the reasons why digital media literacy is taught is because our society is becoming increasingly saturated with media content and messaging. Media contains messaging that can influence perceptions, beliefs and attitudes, and digital media literacy education teaches students how to discern messaging techniques.
In education, media literacy encourages students to ask questions about what they watch, hear, and read. These questions might address source bias, reliability, and authority. Engagement with media platforms such as blogs, websites and podcasts are key to creating a cooperative education environment. "Cooperative education takes seriously the social and reciprocal nature of teaching and learning. It empowers teachers to relinquish authoritarian control, and encourages them to weave their expertise into the community of learning that emerges dynamically in the courses they teach."
Media literacy also involves the ability of students to understand strategy to market media. Understanding trends, keywords, timing, and more assets that allow successful marketing. Media literacy is a major focus in the Digital Media in Business Education concentration study.

Benefits of Digital Media in an Education Context

There are many benefits that digital media provides in an educational context. Firstly, It can increase student engagement. Unlike other mediums, when one is working on digital assignments, students ate able to act as a producer. In addition, it helps students work through difficult concepts. Digital instruction helps show difficult topics that are often hard to understand. In addition, the use of digital media In education helps to promote critical awareness. Lastly, digital media also helps foster equality. When students use digital technology in a course, all the students in the classroom have the opportunity to hone those digital skills.

Implication of Digital Media in Education

There are two main implications for this practice. First, it allows teachers and students the opportunity to engage in dialogue based on mutual respect and reciprocity. Secondly, there is a link between the virtual and the actual based on the fundamental human relationship at the foundation of all teaching and learning