Dimensionless numbers in fluid mechanics

Dimensionless numbers in fluid mechanics are a set of dimensionless quantities that have an important role in analyzing the behavior of fluids. Common examples include the Reynolds or the Mach numbers, which describe as ratios the relative magnitude of fluid and physical system characteristics, such as density, viscosity, speed of sound, flow speed, etc.

Diffusive numbers in transport phenomena

ViscousRe−1μ, ρνPrSc

As a general example of how dimensionless numbers arise in fluid mechanics, the classical numbers in transport phenomena of mass, momentum, and energy are principally analyzed by the ratio of effective diffusivities in each transport mechanism. The six dimensionless numbers give the relative strengths of the different phenomena of inertia, viscosity, conductive heat transport, and diffusive mass transport. These same quantities may alternatively be expressed as ratios of characteristic time, length, or energy scales. Such forms are less commonly used in practice, but can provide insight into particular applications.

Droplet formation

Droplet formation mostly depends on momentum, viscosity and surface tension. In inkjet printing for example, an ink with a too high Ohnesorge number would not jet properly, and an ink with a too low Ohnesorge number would be jetted with many satellite drops. Not all of the quantity ratios are explicitly named, though each of the unnamed ratios could be expressed as a product of two other named dimensionless numbers.


All numbers are dimensionless quantities. See other article for extensive list of dimensionless quantities. Certain dimensionless quantities of some importance to fluid mechanics are given below:
NameStandard symbolDefinitionField of application
Archimedes numberArfluid mechanics
Atwood numberAfluid mechanics
Bejan number
Befluid mechanics
Bingham numberBmfluid mechanics, rheology
Biot numberBiheat transfer
Blake numberBl or Bgeology, fluid mechanics, porous media
Bond numberBogeology, fluid mechanics, porous media
Brinkman numberBrheat transfer, fluid mechanics
Brownell–Katz numberNBKfluid mechanics
Capillary numberCaporous media, fluid mechanics
Chandrasekhar numberChydromagnetics
Colburn J factorsJM, JH, JDturbulence; heat, mass, and momentum transfer
Damkohler numberDachemistry
Darcy friction factorCf or fDfluid mechanics
Dean numberDturbulent flow
Deborah numberDerheology
Drag coefficientcdaeronautics, fluid dynamics
Eckert numberEcconvective heat transfer
Eötvös numberEofluid mechanics
Ericksen numberErfluid dynamics
Euler numberEuhydrodynamics
Excess temperature coefficientheat transfer, fluid dynamics
Fanning friction factorffluid mechanics
Froude numberFrfluid mechanics
Galilei numberGafluid mechanics
Görtler numberGfluid dynamics
Graetz numberGzheat transfer, fluid mechanics
Grashof numberGrheat transfer, natural convection
Hartmann numberHamagnetohydrodynamics
Hagen numberHgheat transfer
Iribarren numberIrwave mechanics
Karlovitz numberKaturbulent combustion
Kapitza numberKafluid mechanics
Keulegan–Carpenter numberKCfluid dynamics
Knudsen numberKngas dynamics
Kutateladze numberKufluid mechanics
Laplace numberLafluid dynamics
Lewis numberLeheat and mass transfer
Lift coefficientCLaerodynamics
Lockhart–Martinelli parametertwo-phase flow
Mach numberM or Magas dynamics
Manning roughness coefficientnopen channel flow
Marangoni numberMgfluid mechanics
Markstein numberMaturbulence, combustion
Morton numberMofluid dynamics
Nusselt numberNuheat transfer
Ohnesorge numberOhfluid dynamics
Péclet numberPeorfluid mechanics, heat transfer
Prandtl numberPrheat transfer
Pressure coefficientCPaerodynamics, hydrodynamics
Rayleigh numberRaheat transfer
Reynolds numberRefluid mechanics
Richardson numberRifluid dynamics
Roshko numberRofluid dynamics
Schmidt numberScmass transfer
Shape factorHboundary layer flow
Sherwood numberShmass transfer
Sommerfeld numberShydrodynamic lubrication
Stanton numberStheat transfer and fluid dynamics
Stokes numberStk or Skparticles suspensions
Strouhal numberStVortex shedding
Stuart numberNmagnetohydrodynamics
Taylor numberTafluid dynamics
Ursell numberUwave mechanics
Wallis parameterj*multiphase flows
Weaver flame speed numberWeacombustion
Weber numberWemultiphase flow
Weissenberg numberWiviscoelastic flows
Womersley numberbiofluid mechanics
Zel'dovich numberfluid dynamics, Combustion