
Dinhard is a municipality in the district of Winterthur, which is located in the canton of Zürich in Switzerland.


Dinhard is first mentioned in 1275 as Thynart.


Dinhard has an area of. Of this area, 70.1% is used for agricultural purposes, while 19.5% is forested. Of the rest of the land, 10% is settled and the remainder is non-productive. housing and buildings made up 6.2% of the total area, while transportation infrastructure made up the rest. Of the total unproductive area, water made up 0.4% of the area. 6.3% of the total municipal area was undergoing some type of construction.
The municipality is located in the southern Zürcher Weinland. It consists of the villages of Kirch- and Ausser-Dinhard, Welsikon, Eschlikon and Vorder Grüt.


Dinhard has a population of. , 6.5% of the population was made up of foreign nationals. the gender distribution of the population was 51.3% male and 48.7% female. Over the last 10 years the population has grown at a rate of 7.6%. Most of the population speaks German , with English being second most common and Italian being third.
In the 2007 election the most popular party was the SVP which received 46% of the vote. The next three most popular parties were the CSP, the FDP and the Green Party.
The age distribution of the population is children and teenagers make up 27.2% of the population, while adults make up 63.6% and seniors make up 9.2%. The entire Swiss population is generally well educated. In Dinhard about 86.1% of the population have completed either non-mandatory upper secondary education or additional higher education. There are 500 households in Dinhard.
Dinhard has an unemployment rate of 1.07%. , there were 92 people employed in the primary economic sector and about 30 businesses involved in this sector. 128 people are employed in the secondary sector and there are 20 businesses in this sector. 130 people are employed in the tertiary sector, with 38 businesses in this sector. 39.4% of the working population were employed full-time, and 60.6% were employed part-time.
there were 220 Catholics and 912 Protestants in Dinhard. In the 2000 census, religion was broken down into several smaller categories. From the, 72.3% were some type of Protestant, with 68.6% belonging to the Swiss Reformed Church and 3.6% belonging to other Protestant churches. 14.4% of the population were Catholic. Of the rest of the population, 0% were Muslim, 1.5% belonged to another religion, 2.5% did not give a religion, and 9.3% were atheist or agnostic.
The historical population is given in the following table:


is served by Zurich S-Bahn line S29, which links Winterthur and Stein am Rhein.