Dipan Ghosh

Dipan Ghosh is an Indian theoretical physicist, best known for his exact enumeration of the ground state of a Heisenberg antiferromagnet, known in literature as the Majumdar–Ghosh model, which he developed with Chanchal Kumar Majumdar.


Ghosh was awarded an M.Sc. in physics in 1966 from Ravenshaw College, Cuttack Utkal University, as that university's gold medalist. He would later receive his Ph.D. from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India in 1971 on the strength of his thesis, entitled "Study of Magnetic Hamiltonians", under Chanchal Kumar Majumdar. He did post-doctoral work at Bristol University with John Ziman from 1971 to 1972, and at Northwestern University with K. S. Singwi from 1972–73.
