Dirty Dingus Magee

Dirty Dingus Magee is a 1970 American Comedy & anti-western film starring Frank Sinatra as the title outlaw and George Kennedy as a sheriff out to capture him. The movie was based on the novel The Ballad of Dingus Magee by David Markson and the screenplay was partly written by Joseph Heller. It was directed by Burt Kennedy.


Hoke Birdsill rides into Yerkey's Hole demanding the law take action because Dingus Magee has robbed him. There is no law, so the mayor, Belle, who also runs the town's bordello, sees to it that Hoke becomes the new sheriff.
Dingus keeps getting away with his crimes, helped by Anna Hot Water, his young Indian companion. But when he tries to steal from Belle, he finds Hoke has beaten him to it. Hoke enjoys being on the other side of the law, so Dingus turns the tables, becoming sheriff to go after him.
After being rivals for so long, Dingus and Hoke eventually team up, burning Belle's brothel to the ground.


of the Chicago Sun-Times thought the movie was awful: "I lean toward blaming Frank Sinatra, who in recent years has become notorious for not really caring about his movies. If a shot doesn't work, he doesn't like to try it again; he might be late getting back to Vegas. What's more, the ideal Sinatra role requires him to be in no more than a fourth of the scenes, getting him lots of loot and top billing while his supporting cast does the work."