Disney Second Screen

Disney Second Screen was an interactive onscreen film feature accessible via a computer or iPad app download that provided additional content to a user as he or she views a film released by the Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment. The movie linked with the viewer's device through an audio cue, a manual sync, or with a visual sync indicator. As the film plays on a viewer's television, interactive elements such as trivia, photo galleries, and animated flipbooks appeared on the iPad or computer screen. Disney Second Screen was available to use on an iPad or computer with Flash.


Disney Second Screen was released by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment in the Bambi Diamond Edition Blu-ray on March 1, 2011. The feature is included or planned to be included with the following home media releases:
Special features for the Bambi Diamond Edition release include a Thumper flipbook, games, art galleries, videos, and trivia. The ' DVD and Blu-ray includes an interactive reel of images and a 3-D environment that can be explored using the touchscreen or the mouse. Similarly, the application on The Lion King Diamond Edition allows you to look at storyboards, concept art, and interactive games while the film plays. For the release of ', Disney Second Screen allows you to look at concept art, time-lapse photography, and makeup tests. The Real Steel Second Screen includes stories and opinions from the filmmaker that expand the story. On the Lady and the Tramp Diamond Edition release, the Second Screen application includes storyboards, activities, and behind-the-scenes features. For Iron Man 3, the second screen app features the voice of actor Paul Bettany as JARVIS, who recorded more than 20 hours of original audio content specifically for the app.