Distributed constraint optimization

Distributed constraint optimization is the distributed analogue to constraint optimization. A DCOP is a problem in which a group of agents must distributedly choose values for a set of variables such that the cost
of a set of constraints over the variables is minimized.
Distributed Constraint Satisfaction is a framework for describing a problem in terms of constraints that are known and enforced by distinct participants. The constraints are described on some variables with predefined domains, and have to be assigned to the same values by the different agents.
Problems defined with this framework can be solved by any of the algorithms that are designed for it.
The framework was used under different names in the 1980s. The first known usage with the current name is in 1990.



A DCOP can be defined as a tuple, where:
The objective of a DCOP is to have each agent assign values to its associated variables in order to either minimize or maximize for a given assignment of the variables.


A context is a variable assignment for a DCOP. This can be thought of as a function mapping variables in the DCOP to their current values:
Note that a context is essentially a partial solution and need not contain values for every variable in the problem; therefore, implies that the agent has not yet assigned a value to variable. Given this representation, the "domain" of the function f can be thought of as the set of all possible contexts for the DCOP. Therefore, in the remainder of this article we may use the notion of a context as an input to the function.

Example problems

Distributed graph coloring

The graph coloring problem is as follows: given a graph and a set of colors, assign each vertex,, a color,, such that the number of adjacent vertices with the same color is minimized.
As a DCOP, there is one agent per vertex that is assigned to decide the associated color. Each agent has a single variable whose associated domain is of cardinality . For each vertex, create a variable in the DCOP with domain. For each pair of adjacent vertices, create a constraint of cost 1 if both of the associated variables are assigned the same color:
The objective, then, is to minimize.

Distributed multiple knapsack problem

The distributed multiple- variant of the knapsack problem is as follows: given a set of items of varying volume and a set of knapsacks of varying capacity, assign each item to a knapsack such that the amount of overflow is minimized. Let be the set of items, be the set of knapsacks, be a function mapping items to their volume, and be a function mapping knapsacks to their capacities.
To encode this problem as a DCOP, for each create one variable with associated domain. Then for all possible contexts :
where is a function such that


DCOP algorithms can be classified according to the search strategy, the synchronization among agents, the communication among agents and the main communication topology.
ADOPT, for example, uses best-first search, asynchronous synchronization, point-to-point communication between neighboring agents in the constraint graph and a constraint tree as main communication topology.
Algorithm NameYear IntroducedMemory ComplexityNumber of MessagesCorrectness /
No-Commitment Branch and Bound
2006Polynomial ExponentialProvenReference Implementation: not publicly released

Distributed Pseudotree Optimization Procedure
2005ExponentialLinearProvenReference Implementation:

Asynchronous Partial Overlay
2004PolynomialExponentialProven, but proof of completeness has been challengedReference Implementation:

; In Development
Asynchronous Backtracking
2003Polynomial ExponentialProvenReference Implementation:

Secure Multiparty Computation For Solving DisCSPs
2003Note: secure if 1/2 of the participants are trustworthy
Secure Computation with Semi-Trusted Servers2002Note: security increases with the number of trustworthy servers
Asynchronous Backtracking with Reordering
2001Note: eordering in ABT with bounded nogoods
Maintaining Asynchronously Consistencies
2001Note: the fastest algorithm
Asynchronous Aggregation Search
2000aggregation of values in ABT
Distributed Forward Chaining
2000Note: low, comparable to ABT
Distributed Breakout Algorithm
1995Note: incomplete but fast
Asynchronous Weak-Commitment
1994Note: reordering, fast, complete
Asynchronous Backtracking
1992Note: static ordering, complete
Communication-Free Learning
2013LinearNone Note: no messages are sent, but assumes knowledge about satisfaction of local constraintIncomplete

Hybrids of these DCOP algorithms also exist. BnB-Adopt, for example, changes the search strategy of Adopt from best-first search to depth-first branch-and-bound search.

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