Diwan-e Shams-e Tabrizi

Dīvān-e Kabīr or Dīvān-e Šams-e Tabrīzī or Dīvān-e Šams is one of Mawlānā Jalāl-ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī's masterpieces. A collection of lyric poems that contains more than 40,000 verses, it is written in the New Persian language and is considered one of the greatest works of Persian literature.
Dīvān-e Kabīr contains poems in several different styles of Eastern-Islamic poetry. It contains 44,282 lines : 3,229 odes, or ghazals ; 44 tarji-bands ; and 1,983 quatrains. Although most of the poems are in New Persian, there are also some in Arabic, and a small number of mixed Persian/Greek and Persian/Turkish poems. Dīvān-e Šams-e Tabrīzī is named in honour of Rumi's spiritual teacher and friend Shams Tabrizi.

Greco-Persian and Greek poems

The following poem of Rumi is written in Persian while the last words of each verse end with a Greek word:
  1. νηστικός / rtl=yes
  2. ἄνεμος/ rtl=yes
  3. ἄνθρωπος/ rtl=yes
  4. ἄγγελος/ rtl=yes
  5. βασιλιάς/ rtl=yes
  6. καλόγερος/ rtl=yes
  7. Σαρακηνός/ rtl=yes
The following are Greek verses in the poetry of Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi, and his son, Sultan Walad. The works have been difficult to edit, because of the absence of vowel pointing in most of the verses, and the confusion of scribes unfamiliar with Greek; different editions of the verses vary greatly:
VerseGreek Phrases Greek
Persian TranslationEnglish Translation
1aافندیس مَس ان، کی آگاپومن تُن/دُنΑφέντης μας έν κι αγαπούμεν τονاو سرور ما است و ما او را دوست داریم) عاشق او ایم)He is our Master and we love him
1bکی اپ اکِینون اِن کالی زوی مَسκι απ’ εκείνον έν καλή η ζωή μαςبه خاطر او است که زندگی ما خوش استIt is because of him that life is sweet
2aییَتی ییریسِس، ییَتی ورومیسِسγιατί γύρισες γιατί βρώμισεςچرا برگشتی؟ چرا بیمار ای؟Why did you turn around because you were ill?
2bپه مه تی اپاتِس، په مه تی اخاسِسπε με τι έπαθες, πε με τι έχασες!به من بگو ترا چه افتاد؟ به من بگو چه گم کرده‌ای؟Tell me what happened to you? Tell me what did you loose?
11aایلا کالی مو! ایلا شاهی مو!Έλα καλέ μου, έλα σάχη μου·بیا زیبای من. بیا شاه منCome my beautiful, come my king.
11bایلا کالی مو! ایلا شاهی مو!χαρά δε δίδεις, δος μας άνεμο! شادی نمی‌دهی، به ما رایحه‌ای بده.If you do not give us joy, give us "wind"/"breath"!
12aپو دیپسا پینِی، پو پونِی لَلِیΠου διψά πίνει, που πονεί λαλεί·آن که تشنه است می‌نوشد، آن که خسته است می‌گریدThe thirsty one drinks while the wounded one flees
12bمیدِن چاکوسِس، کاله، تو ییالیμηδέν τσάκωσες, καλέ, το γυαλίای زیبا، آیا تو جام را شکسته‌ای؟Tell me beautiful, did you break the cup?