Dixie Longate

Dixie Longate is the drag persona of American actor, writer, comedian, and drag performer Kris Andersson who since 2007 has been performing a solo act called Dixie's Tupperware Party in five different countries while engaging with her audience to sell actual Tupperware products.
Andersson's role as "Dixie" began as a dare in 2004 from a friend to sell Tupperware while in drag. Andersson accepted the challenge, and went on to become Tupperware's number 1 sales representative in both the United States and Canada while developing the show. In 2007 Andersson participated in a 3-month residency at New York's Ars Nova theater to further develop his work and his character, and in 2008 was nominated for a Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Solo Performance.
Andersson also has appeared on TV series and films such as Hellbent in 2004 as 'White Pepper'.


