Dmitri Pavlichenko

Dmitri Valeriyevich Pavlichenko is head of the Belarusian Special Rapid Reaction Unit.

Allegations of assassinations

In February 2004, Christos Pourgourides of the Council of Europe's Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights reported concerns suggesting that Dmitri Pavlichenko, along with other "senior officials of the State" had been involved in the assassination of several people, including senior politicians.
He stated that the Chief of the Criminal Police of Belarus, General Lapatik, in a handwritten note on November 21, 2000, accused Dmitri Pavlichenko of assassinating Jury Zacharanka, a former Minister of the Interior who disappeared on May 7, 1999, with a PB pistol, normally used for carrying out the death penalty at SIZO-1 prison, officially signed out from SIZO-1 on the orders of the Minister of the Interior, Sivakov. He also stated suspicions that Pavlichenko was involved in the disappearances of Victor Gonchar, Vice-President of the Parliament of Belarus and businessman Anatoly Krasovski on September 16, 1999.
Pavlichenko was arrested on November 22, 2000. According to Pourgourides' report, the warrant stated
While the warrant stated that the detention would be for 30 days, Pavlichenko was released a few days later, either on November 23 or on November 27. Pourgourides states that the Zakharenko family's lawyer, Volchek, stated that President Alexander Lukashenko had personally ordered Pavlichenko's release from prison. The Head of KGB and other top Belarusian officials were fired for the arrest. He also states that the Minister of Agriculture, Leonov, had personally told him that Lukashenko had "violently criticised the KGB for arresting Pavlichenko" on television. A.Lukashenko also immidiately fired the Head of KGB and some other top Belarusian officials for the arrest of Pavlichenko and attempts to investigate the murders. The above-mentioned general Lapatik had to retire at the age of 54.
The Governing Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Union has expressed its concern about these allegations and Pavlichenko is now subject to international financial sanctions among with several other Belarusian senior officials and politicians.