Dobrosav Milojevic

Dobrosav Milojević was born in Donje Štiplje near Jagodina in 1948. He is well known living Serbian artist among the naïve painters. He lives and works in Donje Štiplje.


The official start of his dealing with the naive art is since 1971, when he was admitted to the Museum of Naïve and Marginal Art in Jagodina. Since then, he is its constant member. In the last 40 years, he had a huge number of solo exhibitions in Serbia and around the world. He has a permanent exhibition of paintings in the Museum of Naive Art in Jagodina and his paintings can be seen in many galleries around the world: Museum of Naïve and Marginal Art, Gallery of Self-taught Artists in Trebnje, the Galleries in Sanski Most, Gallery of International Naïve Art in Tel Aviv, Gallery of Naive Art in Kovačica, Gallery of Primitive and Folk Art, San Francisco. He has won several awards and plaques for his work.


He was interested in painting since early boyhood. As a child of the village he found inspiration in motifs that are related to village and life in it. While he lived in the city he felt strong nostalgie for the village and happy childhood days. This resulted in many of vividly pictures that depicted a beautiful landscape of mountains around the Crni Vrh, the mountain that marked his life and which he finally returned. Among the many affirmative opinions about his painting, the most important are:



Some of Exhibitions