Doctor Detective
Doctor Detective is a 2019 South Korean television series starring Park Jin-hee, Bong Tae-gyu and Lee Ki-woo. It aired from July 17 to September 5, 2019 on SBS.Synopsis
The story of doctors who try to uncover the truth behind industrial accidents. It also factors in real life occupational hazard events that happened to real South Korean citizens by tailoring the drama to the real life event.Cast
- Park Jin-hee as Do Joong-eun
- Bong Tae-gyu as Heo Min-ki
- Lee Ki-woo as Choi Tae-yeong
Undiagnosed Disease Center
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
- In this table, represent the lowest ratings and represent the highest ratings.
- Each night's broadcast is divided into two 30-minute parts with a commercial break in between.