Documento Nacional de Identidad (Argentina)

Documento Nacional de Identidad or DNI is the main identity document for Argentine citizens, as well as temporary or permanent resident aliens It. It is issued at a person's birth, and must be updated at 8 and 14 years of age, and thereafter every 15 years in one format: a card ; it is valid if identification is required, and is required for voting, payments, military service inscriptions and formalities. They are produced at a special plant by the Argentine national registry of people.
The front side of the card states, in both English and Spanish, the name, sex, nationality, specimen issue, date of birth, date of issue, date of expiry, and transaction number along with the DNI number, portrait, and signature of the card's bearer. The back side of the card shows the address of the card's bearer along with their right thumbprint. The front side of the DNI also shows a PDF417 barcode while the back shows machine-readable information. The unique DNI number is semi-perforated through the front-right side of the card.
The DNI is a valid international travel document to enter the member countries of Mercosur and countries associated to the bloc.
Before the introduction of the DNI in 1968, women had a Libreta cívica ; men a Libreta de enrolamiento. For many years, the DNI was issued as a small green booklet. In 2009, the DNI was revamped and digitalized; and booklets were issued along with an identity card simultaneously. Since 2012, DNIs are issued only in card format. The new DNI card is required to obtain the new biometric Argentine passport. Forgein people can get it at “RadEx” system but it has a leyend “extranjero” also residence data is printed on the back side, but also Argentines can get a Certificado de matrícula in consulates which is obviously only for citizens.