Domination of Black

"Domination of Black" is a poem in Wallace Stevens' Harmonium, first published in 1916 and later selected by him as his best poem for the anthology This Is My Best.


The poem can be compared to imagist paintings of the period such as Klee's "Blaue Nacht", Klee's shades of blue replaced by Stevens' colors of the night. Stevens adds unsettling elements. The poem unfolds like a little horror show. A fire creates flickering images of the colors of bushes and leaves, which themselves turn in the wind. Also the color of heavy hemlocks "came striding", as from the river Styx. Ambiguous peacocks descend from the hemlocks. Then the poet notices outside his window the planets gathering isomorphically, "Like the leaves themselves", and the night came striding. The threat of darkness is palpable: "I felt afraid."
See also "Tea", which, like "Domination of Black", demonstrates "all the troping of leaves through the collection".